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Invitation to Book Launch


Sustainability through Participation?

Perspectives from National, European and International Law edited by Birgit Peters and Eva Julia Lohse

With Comments from Prof. Dr. Helmut Aust (FU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Rike Krämer-Hoppe (Universität Regensburg) and
Dr. Petros Patronos (Lawyer at Supreme Court Athens and Legal Advisor on environmental and climate law issues).

The event takes place online.

08 May 2024, 12:30 - 14:00 pm

Join via https://uni-trier.zoom-x.de/meeting/register/u5AkcO2qqTstHdXuJJD64d-RNoT_g7unzvJ4

Here you can finde the invitation as pdf-document.

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