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Call for Abstracts – studentische Beiträge für einen Workshop in Bari, Italien


Call for Abstracts: Autumn School "Protection of the Sea: Adopting Cocreated Methodes of (Public) Participation"

Sept 21st - 25th 2024

Universita di Bari - Sede di Taranto Italy


We are excited to invite Master’s and PhD students to submit abstracts for the upcoming Autumn School, which will focus on innovative participatory methods in sea protection and maritime activities. This event is an excellent opportunity for students interested in environmental and sea protection, human rights, and socio-economic development related to maritime contexts.

Key Details:

Themes: Applicants are requested to choose one of the following themes for their abstract:

  • 1. Co-creation in the Protection of the Sea from a Rights-Based Approach
  • 2. Migration and Human Rights Law (Migration at Sea and Protection at Sea)
  • 3. Living at and from the Sea – Economic, Social, and Political Perspectives on Blue Tourism, Small-Scale Fishing, Nature Conservation

Submission Requirements:

  • Personal Information: Name, Surname, Affiliation
  • Abstract Title and Abstract (250-300 words)
  • Selected Theme
  • Talents
  • Deadline: July 30 2024


Travel and accommodation expenses for ten participants from each of the University of Bayreuth, the University of Turin, and the University of Bari will be covered. Please inquire for details. Participation at own expense is possible. Online participation is available. No participation fee.


All participants will receive a certificate.

Collaborative Projects:

Selected participants will join one of the three thematic groups to work on a co-created project.


Selected candidates will be contacted in mid-August for further details.

Kick-off Meeting:

An online kick-off meeting will be held in the first week of September 2024 for selected candidates.

Encouraged Talents:

We encourage applicants to highlight any special talents, like video production, art, music, content creation, and podcasting, that could enhance the collaborative projects and overall experience.

How to Apply:

Submit your abstract and personal details to your institution’s representative.

University of Bayreuth- Eva Lohse - eva.lohse@uni-bayreuth.de

University of Turin - Margherita Paola Poto - margherita.poto@uit.no

University of Bari - Annamaria Bonomo - annamaria.bonomo@uniba.it

Please ensure your application clearly states your chosen theme and any special talents you wish to bring. We look forward to your innovative contributions for the protection of our seas!

Here you can finde the Call for Abstracs and the Program als pdf-file.

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